Introduction to ANSYS HFSS software and Design Methodology of Microstrip Patch Antenna.
Microwave Engineering Lab (BTEC-606) Experiment No: 1 AIM: Introduction to ANSYS HFSS software and Design Methodology of Microstrip Patch Antenna. SOFTWARE USED: ANSYS HFSS 15.0.3 THEORY: HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) software: It is one of several commercial tools used for antenna design, and the design of complex RF electronic circuit elements including filters, transmission lines, and packaging. It was originally developed by Professor Zoltan Cendes and his students at Carnegie Mellon University. ANSYS was founded in 1970. By John A. Swanson as “Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc.” (SASI). In 1994, new owners took SASI's leading software, called ANSYS, as their flagship product and designated ANSYS, Inc. as the new company name. There is no proved explanation but we can say that ANSYS represents “Analysis System”. Microstrip Patch Antenna: A patch antenna (also known as a rectangular microstrip ante...